Ground Water Canada

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Boart Longyear to feature LS 250 MiniSonic, sonic tooling at Groundwater Week

November 28, 2016  By Administrator

Boart Longyear's LS 250 MiniSonic is a compact sonic rig intended for a wide variety of environmental, geotechnical, water and mining projects. Photo courtesy PRNewsFoto/Boart Longyear

Salt Lake City, UT – Drilling services and equipment provider Boart Longyear will showcase its LS 250 MiniSonic, a compact sonic rig that provides an overall safer working environment during 2016 Groundwater Week in Las Vegas, NV, Dec. 7-8.

“As sonic drilling steadily gains acceptance as an alternative to auger drilling and other conventional techniques, the LS250 MiniSonic is quickly proving to be the ideal solution for a wide range of needs, including water, geotechnical, environmental and mining applications,” said Mike Lawhead, outside sales representative for Boart Longyear, in a news release. “Safety, speed and efficiency are among the many benefits.”

Sonic drilling involves the use of a dual line threaded drill pipe, with the inner line being advanced with a core barrel attached to it. Drilling fluid is not used during sampling, so this “dry” sampling results in intact core samples that are unaltered by drilling fluids.

As a result, the LS250 MiniSonic provides a continuous, relatively undisturbed core sample of unparalleled quality through any type of formation. When using the iso-flow ground water profiling system, hydrogeological and geochemical data can be easily obtained. Another benefit is the reduction of drill spoils and waste by up to 80 per cent compared to some conventional drilling methods.

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