Editor’s top 12 picks for 2020
As we boot 2020 out the door and ring in 2021, we take a look at 12 key articles reflecting and impacting the groundwater industry
December 30, 2020 By Ground Water Canada
The coronavirus and its impact on the world guaranteed that 2020 will be a year to remember, even though it’s one most wish they could forget. Here is a look back at these dozen articles published by Ground Water Canada that had an impact within the groundwater industry.
1. Culture of change: staffing
Finding, motivating and keeping good employees is as big an issue now (maybe bigger) as it was a year agowhen Julie Fitz-Gerald explored how a changing workforce represents opportunities for those looking to hire. | READ MORE
2. All in a day’s drilling
On a welcome lighter note, Ground Water Canada announced the winners of our first cover photo contest. We encourage you to share your photos all year long to help us better understand and depict your industry. | READ MORE
3. Stewards of ground water or destroyers of an industry?
This was the year The Source, that well-respected publication of the Ontario Ground Water Association, started coming to Canadians in the pages of Ground Water Canada. First vice-president Dwayne Graff helped kick off that partnership with an unflinching look at industry today, urging contractors to do a much better job of delivering services, providing quality workmanship, getting the job done properly and charging accordingly. | READ MORE
4. Protecting one another
A pair of fatal incidents on jobsites prompted this look at staying safe from electrical and other hazards at work. Our industry experts came through with solid insights and advice. | READ MORE
5. Sites done right
Hydrogeologist Ken Hugo and drilling contractor Tyler Crawford tag-teamed on an article exploring factors that come into play when positioning a well. | READ MORE
6. Stay safe, stay in business
Carolyn Camilleri talked with several in the groundwater community about how they have adapted to the realities of a COVID-19 world. | READ MORE
7. Ground water knowledge needed: Q-and-A with John Cherry
Ground water expert John Cherry talks contaminants, water security and The Groundwater Project with James Careless. | READ MORE
8. Bringing in work in a COVID world
The pandemic has brought about unparalleled changes to the way we live our lives and affected how we run our businesses, wrote marketing expert and BCGWA general manager Dave Mercer in his first column for the magazine. He had solid advice to prepare us for any unexpected disruption. | READ MORE
9. Canadian National Ground Water Association announces mission
The Canadian National Ground Water Association has worked diligently – and virtually – throughout 2020 to represent a united ground water industry to the federal government. The CNGWA released its mission and encouraged everyone involved in the industry to show their support and/or get more involved by becoming voting members. | READ MORE
10. Drilling down: Industry snapshot
We asked nosey questions and you answered. The results of Ground Water Canada’s first Ground Water Professionals Survey provided a telling look at the state of the industry. | READ MORE
11. Succession planning in the groundwater industry
With our aging demographic and changing society, retirement-bound owners have big decisions ahead. Carolyn Camilleri’s look at different ways businesses are handing down their legacy to the next generation was prompted by the results of our survey, which suggested fresh ideas may be welcome. | READ MORE
12. Geoelectrical groundwater monitoring method gives detailed picture of aquifers
Collaboration among Humber College, the University of Toronto and DGI Geoscience Inc. yielded a method of groundwater monitoring that can save time and money. This interview with Maria Jacome provided one example of the cutting-edge, multidisciplinary work on groundwater happening in Canada every day. | READ MORE
Here’s to the growth of the CNGWA, the development of the Canada Water Agency overseeing management of all freshwater and all of your businesses working smarter – not harder – to prosper in 2021!
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