Regulation & Guidelines
Further tests on Ontario airpark ground water confirm potable water standards met
January 15, 2015 By Ground Water Canada
Jan. 15, 2015, Toronto – A second round of
ground water testing at the Burlington Airpark has been completed, as recommended by the Ontario Ministry of the
Environment and Climate Change.
Jan. 15, 2015, Toronto – A second round of
ground water testing at the Burlington Airpark has been completed, as recommended by the Ontario Ministry of the
Environment and Climate Change.
The results indicated that the ground water continues to meet
the standards of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate
Change Table 2: Full Depth Generic Site Conditions Standards for Use in a
Potable Ground Water Condition – applicable for residential, parkland
and institutional property use.
The supplementary testing was conducted between Oct. 31 and
Nov. 28, 2014, by Pinchin Environmental. The original round of ground water testing was carried
out between September 2013 and March 2014.
As with the first round of testing, ground water in three of
the eleven wells in one particular location showed elevated levels of
uranium. The first round of testing included soil samples from these
wells that showed the level of uranium in the soil (both the fill and
native material) was well below the Table 2 standards, leading Pinchin
to conclude the elevated levels detected in the ground water from these
three wells did not result from the deposit of fill material at the
site, but rather was the result of naturally occurring uranium known to
exist in the underlying bedrock formation.
A copy of the supplementary testing report has already been
provided to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change
and will be made available on the Burlington Airpark's website.
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