Ground Water Canada

Features Contamination Water Issues
Karnalyte Resources receives water rights licence

December 23, 2013  By Administrator

Dec. 23, 2013, Calgary – Karnalyte Resources Inc. has received a water rights licence to use ground water.

The company received approval for a water well project in Wynyard, Sask., where Karnalyte Resources will be retrieving potassium-containing minerals. The licence also grants the corporation the right to withdraw brackish ground water from the Blairmore formation to support the project.

“Karnalyte successfully tested a full production-capacity disposal well and a production-size source water well earlier this year, demonstrating sufficient source water deliverability for the first-phase production facility,” said Robin Phinney, president and CEO of Karnalyte, in a media statement.

Karnalyte Resources finds and develops agricultural and industrial potash, magnesium products and potassium-containing minerals.

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