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New website helps people identify algae blooms in B.C. lakes

May 14, 2021  By Ground Water Canada

British Columbia – To better understand where and when algae blooms happen around the province, B.C.’s Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy has developed an educational Algae Watch website.

People are invited to contribute information to create a comprehensive picture of B.C.’s algae situation. The website helps people recognize potentially harmful algae blooms and differentiate algae blooms from other natural phenomena, such as foam or pollen, which can sometimes look like blooms.

People can also use the online submission form to provide information on the location, extent and photos of an algae bloom, and access links to provincial health authorities in the event of a blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) bloom. The data collected will help scientists determine future water-monitoring programs.

“The website can help us track changes over time and identify areas of the province that are getting more algae blooms. We can then start investigating what’s causing these changes,” said Mike Sokal, a water quality limnologist with the ministry, who receives calls every year from people concerned about algae at their local lake. “It’s really encouraging to see people interested in what’s happening at their lake. Some of those concerned citizens become champions for the lake and start local sampling programs.”

Norm Zirnhelt is accustomed to seeing algae blooms every summer on the nutrient rich Opheim Lake, which has been naturally prone to blooms for decades. Living on a farm along the lake in B.C.’s Interior, Zirnhelt keeps a close eye on the water and has to be careful his livestock don’t drink it whenever the blooms blow onto shore.

As the executive director of the B.C. Lake Stewardship Society, Zirnhelt encourages everyone to pay attention to what’s happening on their local lake and report anything unusual to the Province.

“Lakes are susceptible to impacts from all kinds of human land uses and activities, so it’s really important that there’s some vigilance on those activities. If there are any changes that might be occurring in a lake, citizens can be an early detection or early warning mechanism,” Zirnhelt said. “In the Cariboo region of the province, there a number of lakes that are susceptible to algae blooms. These blooms can occur naturally or can be the result of land use activities causing nutrient enrichment of lakes. People need to be careful and regard them as all potentially toxic.”

Anyone with immediate concerns related to drinking and/or recreational water use is asked to contact their local health authority.

For more information, visit the Algae Watch website.

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