Ground Water Canada

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Well Manager system aids low-yield wells

November 21, 2017  By Administrator

Nov. 21, 2017 – Well Manager, a water-well system for low yield wells, is designed to help residents manage their water supply and keep it constant during periods of heavy use such as the winter and holiday season.

Though many homeowners may not have issues with their well water throughout the year, the colder season may come with a drastic increase in water usage. From longer and hotter showers to increased laundering of heavy blankets and bedding to an increase in dishes thanks to holiday parties, the winter season can put a massive toll on homeowners’ well systems, the company said in a press release.

A Well Manager system can help to keep up with the increased demand for water and make sure that residents are able to store the water that they need. Thus, when there is greater need for water, homeowners won’t have to wait for their well to refill.

Now is the perfect time to consider the benefits that a Well Manager system can bring to their home for the winter and holidays.

The system offers is geared to owners of low-yield wells that yield as little as 1.5 gallons per minute and those experiencing inadequate water pressure, including those on a city water system. The Well Manager and related ConstaBoost system have helped homeowners obtain a reliable water supply without needing to drill a new well.

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