Ground Water Canada

Ground Water Awareness Week in Canada

March 6, 2016  By Ground Water Canada

We know you as drillers take pride in being stewards of this resource. That’s why we are highlighting awareness, sustainability and education during Ground Water Awareness Week in Canada March 6 to 12.

We mark this week in conjunction with National Ground Water Awareness Week in the U.S., an annual observance sponsored by the National Ground Water Association that brings attention to the importance of ground water as a valuable resource and stresses the need for yearly water testing and well maintenance.

This week, Ground Water Canada focuses on these closely related issues. On our website you will find:

  • An exclusive web feature by Ground Water Canada writer Carolyn Camilleri on what some Canadian drillers are doing to educate from the frontlines
  • Lists of potential contaminants and contamination source points
  • Well-maintenance tips and best practices
  • Promotional tools to help drillers spread the word about ground water protection and sustainability
  • A fun “Did You Know?” fact sheet drillers can give to well owners that highlight ground water use in Canada
  • List of industry resources for further reading

We hope you find these articles and resources useful and we invite you to suggest other tools that might help spread the word about our most precious natural resource.

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