Ground Water Canada

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Three B.C. communities to benefit from government funding of water, wastewater projects

Federal and B.C. governments pour more than $10 million into projects

November 1, 2023  By Ground Water Canada

Burns Lake, B.C. – More than $10 million in funding from the governments of Canada and British Columbia will help three new water and wastewater project provide cleaner and more reliable municipal services.

The municipalities of Burns Lake, Fraser Lake, and the District of Mackenzie are the benefactors of the government spending.

Due to its age, the current sewage treatment plant and electrical equipment in Burns Lake have reached the end of their service life. This project will replace the phosphorus treatment system, provide a new ultraviolet disinfection system, and make improvements to the lagoon system, improving services for a healthier environment.


Additionally, Fraser Lake will upgrade its aging reservoir, including the construction of a new water storage reservoir, improving the mixing system, valves and pipe connections, upgrading the control building and electrical components, providing clean, reliable drinking water to the community.

The District of Mackenzie will construct a water treatment system in the Gantazhaz subdivision in order to reduce manganese levels and bring the community into compliance with the guidelines for Canadian drinking water quality. This investment includes a new water treatment building, installing a manganese and iron removal system, chlorine injection system, and related works.

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